Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Muggy morning but yet a great ride

I had every intention of going out for a nice ride Tuesday night but low and behold, the Type 1 Diabetes low Blood Sugar monster reared its ugly head as soon as we got the boys down for bed at 8:00 PM. I felt a little sluggish so I told Kendra I was just going to shut my eyes for a bit and rest with the feeling that a quick cat nap would revive my spirits. Well one hour later and she came downstairs to find me in a semi coma and asked me to check my Blood Sugar. I said I'd be alright and fell back asleep until slightly after 10:00 PM. I finally checked my Blood Sugar and sure enough I was hovering in the low 50's. So I downed an apple juice and started feeling my senses coming back to me but quickly realized that exercise on a bike in the dark would probably not be a wise choose at this late hour. So I started beating myself up over the realization that if I wanted to continue my current riding pattern, I'd have to get up early the next morning and get a workout in.

Did I mention that I detest doing anything before the crack of dawn. There's no real good reason to get out of a comfortable bed when it's still dark outside. Anyway, I set my alarm for 5:30 AM with the caveat that if my Blood Sugar was out of whack, either too high or too low, that I was calling it a day before the day officially started. Well damn if that thing wasn't sitting there all pretty at a very nice 119 at 5:34 AM. So I got dressed, took two sips of juice just in case I was heading lower, and got out of the house. The first thing I noticed about this morning was the mugginess in the air as I left the house. Unlike my other previous rides to date with crisp clean air, this was what North Carolina is all about as Spring quickly turns into Summer. Now I know I'll probably have a few more rides in the coming weeks with nice refreshing air, but this was just the appetizer to what plans on being a long, hot, humid Summer in the Mid-Atlantic. Results of the ride:

  • Time on bike - 40:22
  • Miles ridden - 7.83
  • No kids going to their collective bus stops to taunt me since they're on Spring Break this week!!
All in all a good start to the day as my legs felt pushed due to my pace this morning, but grateful that I took off last night. Until tomorrow night.......

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