Monday, April 4, 2011

Bike and Sunday night hoops

Just wanted to let everyone know that I purchased a bike on Saturday. Sort of a hybrid road/mountain bike. Took it for a spin for the first time on Sunday afternoon and found it to be exactly what I'm going to need for my workouts over the next few months. Here is my loosely defined workout plan on a weekly basis:

  • Bike three times a week for one hour at a time.
  • Play basketball on Sunday night for two hours.
If I can somehow manage to get three hours of biking in and two hours of hoops in on a weekly basis, I should be fine cardiovascular wise for the foreseeable future. Now the only question is when is the most opportune time to ride? You see, Diabetes and sleep always want to rear their collective ugly heads when it comes to me and exercise. In the past, a blood sugar that is either too high or too low has ruined many a run before they ever start. Likewise, I loathe losing sleep over exercise early in the morning. What's going to have to happen is I've got to better control my blood sugar 1-2 hours before I'm anticipating getting on my bike, especially if it's going to be at night. I'm just not going to allow myself to miss one hour rides because of blood sugar issues. Not with the money I just invested in said bike.

Which brings me to last night and my episode with basketball. I had been running slightly above normal all day and took both sons out to run around and play soccer in the mid-afternoon sun. What I forgot is that while I was sitting waiting for Ryan to return from shopping with Kendra, I was inhaling a half of a small bag of carby nothingness. So the three of us go run for 45 minutes or so and then I give the new bike a test ride for 20 minutes and presto, a blood sugar reading of 305 right before dinner. I give myself 10 units for our dinner of steak, potatoes and green beans thinking it'll come down some before I head on out for hoops. Not only does it not come down before I leave, but it goes up to 308 so I give myself 5 units to correct whatever it is that I'm doing wrong. Well you probably can anticipate where this is heading. A stacking episode for the ages!!!!!!!! I get up to our church and play two games and feel fine. I play two more and decide to test exactly where I'm at and see a lovely 29 starring right back at me!! So I inhale an apple juice and a breakfast bar that I've been carrying around with me for the better part of two weeks and I test again and I've come all the way back to 44!!! I continue to play and feel fine the rest of the night but as always, Type 1 Diabetes has me by the shorties and I've got to do a much better job now that I'll be biking at night in the dark after long days of work etc.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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