Thursday, June 16, 2011


10:07 AM and 10:15 AM.

Note the time of both of those above.

The first is the most recent time I checked my blood sugar, a nice 51 mg/dl. The second is the time I started writing this not so coherent post about choices.

While my blood sugar slowly rises to a normal range, the latest of many choices in my morning due to Type I Diabetes, I chose the thrill of a Kit-Kat extra crispy wafer as the raising of my blood sugar of choice as opposed to something quicker like juice, mainly because I don't have any juice with me right now and the thought of drinking a soda out of the vending machine nearly made me puke.

With that being said, I've got to make better choices about what it is that I reach for when I go low. For many years I've always reached for candy, and more specifically milk chocolate, when trying to treat a low. But I know the consequences of that milk chocolaty goodness on the other side leaves me reaching for the syringe and Novolog to correct the ensuing high that will surely follow.

Apple juice, in small amounts, is always the best answer for me when trying to treat a low.

Again, the best answer is apple juice. So why is it so difficult to always have a small bottle laying around the house, office or gym? I mean seriously, I'm 44 years old, I actually have a college degree, a wife, two kids, a cat and a job. But asking me whether or not I have an apple juice with me IF things were to spiral downward in a hurry and I turn into Raymond Babbit in "Rain Man".

"Yeah, I'm an excellent (driver) Diabetic" "10 minutes to (Wapner) recovery".

Anyway, slowly but surely, I need to make certain I'm making better choices with how I treat my low Blood Sugar readings.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Week in Review 5-3-11 through 6--5-11

Holy cow, what a riding week!!

More miles than ever this week thanks to a number of circumstances. We were down one kid the entire week as Ryan was at New Life Camp from Sunday through Friday. We had Memorial Day on Monday and Kendra took Tuesday off so I was able to ride not once, but twice in one day which was awesome!!

All in all, the most miles yet in the nearly two months that I've had Goose!! Results of the week:

  • Monday 5-30: 10.56 miles in 48:37
  • Tuesday 5-31: 10.46 miles in 48:33
  • 10.62 miles in 50:00
  • Wednesday 6-1: 10.81 miles in 49:09
  • Thursday 6-2: Rest day
  • Friday 6-3: 7.21 miles in 31:13
  • Saturday 6-4: 16.28 miles in 78:22
  • Sunday 6-5: 8.04 miles in a very casual 46:39
Totals for the week 73.98 miles in slightly more than 6 hours!!!!!!!

Throw in an hour of 3 on 3 half court basketball Sunday night and it was an active week to say the least.

All of which leads me to the physical condition I'm in right now. Sick!!

As a Type 1 Diabetic, I can't stand getting sick. It ruins so many things with everyday life that I just feel like everything I've done trying to get healthy is lost in the few days in which I'm recovering from whatever illness has decided to crawl into my body. Did I push myself to hard last week workout wise? Potentially. Did I shake one too many hands at Dylan's pre-school graduation on Thursday night that and didn't properly wash off all of the germs from a variety of five year olds? Possibly.

Who knows why I'm sick right now, but all I can tell you is right now I'm pissed and there's nothing worse than a debilitating head cold in early June!!