Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Start to July

I got off to a good start in July on Goose largely due to the fact that July 4th was on a Monday, thus allowing for three days of riding during the day.

So after taking off the first day of the month, Friday, July 1st, I busted my butt on three very hot days covering the 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

Mileage totals for those first three rides of the month were 13.04 miles on the 2nd, 15.75 miles on the 3rd and 13.56 miles on the 4th. Riding times were 62:48 for the 2nd, 73:22 for the 3rs and 67:23 for the 4th. All in all, three very good rides considering they were all done in the middle of three days that had the mercury in the mid 90's.

I was going to take yesterday the 5th off but I decided to mix up my routine and test out my knee. I haven't run in nearly two weeks, so I went out with the threat of thunderstorms all around us. My plan was an easy three miler at a leisurely pace as to not put too much strain on my left knee.

Well, the weather held off, my knee felt fantastic, but the evil that is Type I Diabetes reared its ugly head yet again. I felt funny out there with my steps at the end of the run, and once I got back in the house I tested and saw my Blood Sugar was Larry Bird. I nice number for a great basketball player, but one that you never want to see peering back at you on your meter, 33.

Epic fail after leaving the house with my number at a very comfortable 100.

Glad I wasn't out on my bike for a long ride or that could have ended very badly.

The good news is I'm still here, the better news is my knee is getting stronger with all of the bike riding, a few miles short of 600 for my first three months on Goose.

But my monitoring has got to improve on runs/rides if I'm going to maintain an active lifestyle, which at the end of the day is the goal.

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