- Thursday, April 7th: Biked really hard for 38 minutes starting at 9:00 PM and covered 7.5 miles. Legs felt great, temperature was nearly perfect with a slight breeze and no humidity to speak of.
- Friday, April 8th: Got up literally before the crack of dawn, at 5:30 AM, to check my blood sugar and stumble around the house for a couple of minutes. Headed out the door and got on the bike at 5:47 AM. What struck me at the beginning of my ride was exactly how many high school kids were heading to their respective bus stops prior to the 6:00 AM hour!! I mean seriously, how early do you need to get up, showered, dressed and fed if you're out of your house at 5:50 AM!! It's no wonder our kids suffer academically if they're getting up around 5:00 AM. Small rant for the day, back to the workout. After the workout the previous night, my legs were just OK and my butt hurt more with the limited time in between workouts. I still went further than my two previous efforts and rode for 42 minutes and covered 7.75 miles.
- Sunday, April 10th: Ryan and I went out for a ride in the mid-afternoon as a fun thing to do and we rode for 45 easy minutes and covered 4.5 miles. Again, not a real workout but time spent on the bike nonetheless. I also played six games of basketball from 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM. The thing I noticed immediately was that I was quicker, had better stamina and was just better off shape wise than I had been in about five months since I injured my knee.
- What I've noticed so far in the week that I've been riding is that my left knee does not hurt working out hard on the bike like it did when I would run so major advantage goes to the bike.
So totals for the week starting on 4-4-11 and ending on 4-10-11:
Miles on bike: 26.85
Total time working out: 4.05 hours
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